Albania What are the advantages of UV curing defoamer for water-based cleaning agents(1)
Attenuation mechanism of foam
Under the condition of gravity and pressure difference, the liquid membrane of foam will flow and discharge liquid unevenly, and the gas in the bubble will continue to diffuse and permeate due to the different pressure difference on both sides of the bubble membrane, so the instability of foam itself is mainly reflected from the dynamics. [4]
The attenuation mechanism mainly includes the diffusion of gas through the liquid film and the discharge of liquid from the liquid film. These two properties are inherent attributes of foam itself, and have nothing to do with the existence of surfactant. However, these two attenuation mechanisms only play an obvious role in the initial stage of foam system formation. With the attenuation of foam system, these two effects gradually weaken, making the foam attenuation rate gradually slow. [
Albania Characteristics and use ofUV curing defoamer for water-based cleaning agents:
Water based cleaning agent Defoamer is a polyether based composite defoamer. Due to its water soluble energy consumption, it is easily dispersed in the cleaning agent system, making it convenient and fast to use. No oil phase or little oil phase, excellent defoaming and foam suppression ability and high temperature resistance make it suitable for the production of water-based cleaning agents, effectively eliminating and preventing the regeneration of foam. During production, it can be added after the foam is produced or as a foam inhibitor. According to different use systems, the amount of water based detergent defoamer can be 0.1%~0.8%, but the optimal amount should be determined according to the actual situation. If it is necessary to dilute the defoamer, it is best to conduct a small amount of testing before actual use to avoid abnormalities.